Our Story

Previously located at Woodroffe and Carling (Woodroffe Temple Corps) for over 40 years, and before that on Parkdale Avenue (Parkdale Citadel Corps) from 1952-1969, in May 2009, The Salvation Army made the decision to move into the dynamic and growing south-Ottawa community of Barrhaven.

After a multi-year building project, we were able to move into our new facility during the month of January of 2024 with a grand opening ceremony held in April 2024. We currently offer community assistance and programming out of our church and community centre at 102 Bill Leathem Dr. But we’re not done yet! We continue to move forward with our Catch the Vision campaign to raise the final funds required to complete phases 2 and 3 of this facility as we look forward to expansion.

History of The Salvation Army (Barrhaven/Woodroffe/Parkdale)

Divisional Commander Brigadier Rawling officially opened the Wellington Street Corps (church) on April 15, 1915.  An old movie theater, known as the “Nickel Theater”, was purchased for worship (located at 127 Stirling Avenue just off Wellington Street).

The first officers were Captain Pace and Lieutenant Kitt. Lieutenant Kitt left soon after the Corps opened and Lieutenant Ransuff came to assist Captain Pace. After a tragic fire, and while repairs to the building took place, the Army moved to an old store on Wellington Street until the completion of repairs.

Some time later the Army moved the services back to the store on Wellington Street. The Salvation Army then secured another building on Wellington Street, which Divisional Commander Colonel W. Bettridge officially dedicated on April 13, 1935.

In 1952, The Salvation Army bought a building on Parkdale Avenue and Chief Secretary Colonel Harewood officially opened the building on February 2, 1952. The Corps then became known as the Parkdale Citadel Corps.

In the spring of 1969, construction commenced on a new building at the corner of Fox Crescent and Woodroffe Avenue. This location now hosts The Salvation Army Bethany Hope Centre! The cost of this new building was $250,000 and Territorial Commander Commissioner Wiseman officially opened and dedicated Woodroffe Temple.

By 1982, the Corps had received $34,366 for a needed expansion. The expansion added such areas to the church as a multi-purpose room on the first and second floors, a small kitchen, washrooms, and a Young Person’s Sergeant Major Office (Youth Pastor). Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs. Edwin Brown officially re-opened and dedicated the renovated church on October 15, 1983.

 In 2009, the decision was made to plant/relocate the church to Barrhaven, with the hope of becoming part of a fast growing community. The planning and construction stages of this project took longer than expected, and for several years, the church operated out of an office space on Jockvale road while using St. Andrew School as a worship space on Sundays. The new building was completed in the winter of 2024, and Barrhaven Church was expanded to Barrhaven Church and Community Centre. The first worship service in the new building was celebrated with a soft opening in January of 2024. We continue to look forward to serving the community of Barrhaven through the use of our building.