Divisional Holy Week Prayer Gathering

Divisional Holy Week Prayer Gathering

A time to worship, a time for prayerful scripture reflection, a time to pray.

“The Lenten season invites us to take some extra time with God in prayer and reflection, to search our hearts and listen for what God is saying to us, and to return to Him with our whole heart and experience His healing, gentle presence afresh in our lives. We trust that this Lenten season is providing space for meaningful and life-giving encounters with the Lord.

We welcome you to join us for this prayer gathering on Tuesday, April 12 from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM via Zoom or phone.

Our world has been through a challenging two years and is still in crisis, especially as we think of the war in Ukraine. Thank you for your individual prayers as well as the prayer focus at your ministry units.  There is power in prayer and we look forward to gathering with you, the divisional family, to pray and ponder the passion and suffering of Christ.

Come Journey with us to the Cross …


Lt. Col. Brenda Critch”

Please contact Ann at [email protected] or 613-440-7555 to receive meeting details.