Please see the below message from the Divisional Candidates Secretary, Captain Jodi Dunstan:

Hi Everyone!!

 Blessings on your Tuesday and the Summer ahead.

 In this wonderful Ontario Division, some of our candidates have been accepted into training college as members of the Messengers of Reconciliation!  We want to give them an encouraging farewell as they move into this part of their life journey and keep living for His glory.

 In these unique days, the whole territory is joining together to “farewell all candidates” from each division and we hope you will join us!!  Please see the attached promotional material for this virtual event.  We pray you will encourage many to join us and show their support for all those choosing to go into full time ministry with The Salvation Army.

 With appreciation,


Date: July 26, 2020

Time: 6 p.m. ET

Facebook: SA Candidates

Messengers of Reconciliation

2 Corinthians 5:18